Lack of Alarm

On Friday, I discovered that napping with my dog between lessons is a no no thing to do. We both fell asleep and slept through the alarm that was going off on my phone right next to our collective heads. At least, I know I slept through it. For all I know, she could have just looked over at me snoring peacefully, shrugged and went back to sleep. Not a care in the world. That's my Lola.

I thought it was possible that my phone had malfunctioned until I read my screen that said "Alarm silenced after one minute. " Wow. I've never slept that deeply...must have been attempting to haul a couch up two flights of stairs the day before. I said "attempting", people.

Today, I further discovered that the alarm function on my phone works perfectly. It sounded off at my first ever writer's workshop at the local library. The workshop that I was hoping would help kick start my writing career and show my professional, polka-dot-dress-and-heels side. I had brought my new laptop bag of the zillion pockets and after a few seconds of futile zipping and unzipping, I grabbed the lot and headed for the exit. Lovely.

I came right home and confided the whole sordid affair to Lola over a small glass of red, some intense pasta prep and a bit of heartfelt garlic smooshing. She seemed impressed that I was able to find the door to my own apartment, having driven with me on several occasions, and listened intently with her large, soft eyes. She didn't come right out and tell me that of course, because she knows who feeds her. And that is one of many reasons why I love my Lola. That and her rumbling snore.
